Celebrating our Homecare Heroes!
Posted: 24 August 2020
Like many others, particularly those working in the healthcare sector, we’ve been through some really challenging times over the past five months. However, the support we have received from clients and their families as well as partners and suppliers has made all the hard work worthwhile.
Earlier this week one of our kind-hearted clients knitted a St Katherine’s Care mascot, inspired by her carer Hayley.
This lovely lady has been knitting teddies for Lincoln County Hospital’s maternity ward for some time, but this unfortunately had to stop when the coronavirus pandemic struck. She was at a bit of a loose end and offered to repair Hayley’s horse rug which had a tear in it. Following on from that, to help keep her spirits up, Hayley suggested she might like to knit a mascot for St Katherine’s Care. This is now in pride of place at our headquarters in Lincoln.
At the end of last month, we also received a lovely email from a nurse at St Barnabas Hospice in Lincoln, praising the efforts of our carer Karl.
Having struck up a very good rapport with one of our clients who was receiving palliative care, Karl could tell when there was even a slight a change in her condition. When he visited her home on one occasion, he rang St Barnabas Hospice to advise them that she had deteriorated slightly and asked if they could send a nurse for symptom management and support.
In her email the nurse at St Barnabas Hospice said: “His [Karl’s] communication and detailed handover was extremely accurate which enabled this patient to receive prompt, person-centred care.
“This carer’s actions were precise, descriptive and compassionate.
“This gentleman is a credit to your organisation, and I look forward to working alongside him again.”
We don’t like to bang our own drum, but we do like to take every opportunity to recognise the dedication and commitment of our staff who regularly go above and beyond to provide first-class care. So, thank you to Hayley and Karl who have made such a massive difference to our clients’ lives and made their colleagues at St Kath’s so proud!
Keep up the good work!